CryptoUnlocked Creator Story: Richard and the TLC Challenge

Patrick Long
WeTrust Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2019


Recently, our close supporter Richard created a CryptoUnlocked Campaign to encourage Sirin Labs to include WeTrust’s Trusted Lending Circle decentralized application into the Finney’s dCenter. The Finney’s dCenter is a Blockchain Browser that users can access web3, decentralized applications from. We caught up with Richard to learn about why he created the campaign and his thoughts on blockchain and CryptoUnlocked.

Check out the Sirin Labs & WeTrust Collaboration campaign here!

Hi Richard, can you tell us about yourself and how you first learned about blockchain and cryptocurrency?

My name is Richard and I am a cryptocurrency advocate and blockchain enthusiast. I first got into cryptocurrency when I used Bitcoin for the first time in early 2017. I was aware of Bitcoin for years, but never paid much attention to it until I got my first cryptocurrency wallet and bought my own Bitcoin. At first, I started selling Bitcoin and Bitcoin USB miners on Ebay back in 2017, then I went on to discover altcoins. From there I took a more profound interest in studying the blockchain technology behind cryptocurrency. Over time, I became more and more fascinated by all the use cases behind different cryptocurrencies and other blockchain projects. Today I am currently the Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder of Cryptoworth.

How did you first hear about WeTrust?

I first heard of WeTrust back in the summer of 2017. When Vitalik became an advisor of WeTrust, it caught my eye and piqued my interest, and I did some due diligence on the project. I was impressed at the level of transparency WeTrust had provided on their Whitepaper and website, all while they maintained a community Telegram chat for supporters. Although transparency is expected of nonprofits, WeTrust went out of their way to set the bar to a new level. I’ve been persistently following the WeTrust platform since then and am always impressed by the dApps they have been created over the years like Spring, TLC, and the new CryptoUnlocked.

Can you tell us how you came up with the Trusted Lending Circles on a Sirin Labs Finney phone challenge?

The inspiration for the CryptoUnlocked campaign I launched derives from my desire to see WeTrust scale and forge positive relationships with other blockchain projects that share similar visions like mass adoption of blockchain technology. The campaign revolves around the possibility of WeTrust’s Trusted Lending Circles dApp becoming integrated on the Finney phone’s dCENTER by Sirin Labs. Since this blockchain phone has a built-in cold-storage wallet, my argument was that Finney phone users would be more likely to use the TLC since their cryptocurrencies are readily available to be used on the dApp. It was my evaluation that using the TLC would be more practical on the Finney than other alternatives because Finney users do not have to worry about the security of their funds since they have impenetrable protection. With the security factor in play, providing and receiving loans at zero interest from a trusted group of peers made possible by the TLC would potentially be more common place.

What excites you the most about CryptoUnlocked?

What I love the most about CryptoUnlocked is that it’s completely community driven. Users freely create any campaign they want, setting their own challenge and non-profit beneficiary. People should check it out because creating and participating in campaigns leveraging prediction outcomes not only benefits community engagement but also raises money for worthy causes in a productive and fun way.

Thanks for the kind words, Richard.

To create your own fun and interesting campaigns, check out CryptoUnlocked!

